Category: travel

  • Through the Rockies

    The Rockies were magnificent, as expected. After watching the mountains glide by the window, I dozed and then – voila! – time for dinner. Pasta primavera with veggies, bowl of fruit for dessert. My seatmates were a couple from San Francisco, headed home after Christmas in Nebraska. They’d just upgraded to a sleeper compartment from…

  • Leaving Denver

    We’re leaving Denver now, passing though the neighborhoods and such. Then we’ll pass through the Rockies. Beautiful weather, blue skies.

  • Up to Denver

    More travel pix are at SanFran 2005 Part B in Pictures section. Here are a couple movies: Leaving Chicago’s Railway Yard [QuickTime] and Approaching Fort Morgan Colorado [QuickTime]. Sorry, Windows Media files just too huge and crappy-looking. Install QuickTime, do yourself a favor. We are at the Denver Union Station right now, loading/unloading, etc. It’s…

  • Coasting into Fort Morgan

    We have arrived at Fort Morgan, Colorado. We should’ve been here at 5:40 am, so we’re 4 hours 20 minutes late, just so you know. Doesn’t really affect us, though it may have knocked us out of our window through the freight traffic, perhaps slowing us down more in the future. Now we’ve come 960…

  • Breakfast on the rails

    One scrumptious breakfast later… Perfect pancakes with maple syrup, crisp bacon, orange juice. My seatmates were an older couple from Buffalo, traveling to visit their daughter in Berkeley, and an older man from Chicago. Nice talking with them; they’ve taken this train 4-5 times (she suffers from an inner ear problem that prevents flying —…

  • As far as McCook

    we just stopped at McCook. It was bright enough to read the station sign. So that means we’re four hours behind schedule at this point, unless I’m misunderstanding the printed schedule. McCook is 783 miles from Chicago. Denver is now 4.5 hours away. Wow. Well, I’m in no hurry. 🙂 Oh, and my posting times…

  • Feasting while in motion

    I think I’ll go for a shower after breakfast — probably less of a hassle. It will be interesting to see how feasible it is to stand in a slippery shower stall amidst the rocking and rolling of the train — I did notice there are handrails inside the shower; I expect I’ll be clinging…

  • Somewhere in North America

    Ok, we’ve just stopped at a small station. I wager that this is, in fact, Fort Morgan Colorado, since the printed timeline for this place is 5:40 am, and that’d mean we’re only 35 minutes behind. The station house was too dark to make out a name, and the citizens seem too shy to promote…

  • Maybe Mountain Time, approaching mountains

    I’m mostly awake. I suspect we’re in Mountain Time now, depending on where we are (and where we are depends on what time it is, of course). Dark outside my window, save for the occasional light in the distance or streetlight or even perhaps a house. When I got up about an hour ago to…

  • The train slows down

    Ah ha… our first real slow-down. The Conductor just informed us that a freight train just ahead of us is “having trouble with a switch” and therefore we’re going maybe 20-30 MPH (it’s hard to estimate, but at these low speeds it’s like we’re gliding… really cool) as we’re stuck behind the freight train. We’re…

  • Need some art with that story

    I’ve posted some pictures in my Pictures section (featuring, yes, pictures). I’ll be creating a new section each time I post sets of pictures, for it seems that ftp via the wireless modem is kinda slow for uploads (but I’m perfectly happy with that).

  • The Mount Pleasant Chronicles

    We just stopped in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Actually we’ve been very close to the printed timetable so far (other than starting about 15 minutes late). Some stops are just for 2-3 minutes. Mt Pleasant was a little longer, and now I know why. The station was on my side of the train, and I was…

  • Checking out the environs

    I took a nice little nap and did some exploring on the train. I found how to get from car to car (the sleeper cars connect upstairs only), passed through the Dining Car (being set up for dinner), looked at the Lounge Car, and peeked into a Coach car. Also found the shower in my…

  • Riding AmTrak to California!

    I’m officially riding the rails. I’m settled in my own private roomette, which turns out to be a good size for one tall person. Two people would be very cozy. We’ve left the Chicago station and are currently speeding our way through the neighborhoods of Chi-town. I’m in Car #532, Room #12, on the lower…

  • Nashville to Chicago

    Makin’ progress! The flight from Nashville to Chicago was uneventful, other than the piercing pain I experienced when the plane started to descend. Must be some air pressure problem with my head. Oh well. More notes later on the Confusing Array of Signs within O’Hare Airport in Chicago. Still, I managed to find my way…

  • Chattanooga to Nashville

    I rode the Express Shuttle van from Chattanooga to Nashville, and now I’m sitting at Gate C-12, hoping my 9:05 am CST flight isn’t delayed by too much (it’s evidently snowing in Chicago, and half the Chicago flights are delayed, but not mine [yet]). You can watch the realtime progress of American flight 4360 (BNA…

  • My train route

    Leaving my house in Chattanooga in a few minutes… here’s my projected train route (map courtesy of Amtrak):

  • To SF with a Twist!

    Haaappy New Year! I’m about to embark on my annual pilgrimmage to San Francisco — traveling on Amtrak’s California Zephyr train from Chicago to SanFran. Check back for incremental updates… perhaps even From The Train!

  • On the road to Tybee Island!

    I’m on the road to Tybee Island for my annual beach trip…in fact this is posted as I ride in the back seat of my CRV… Shannon is driving very well and we’re about an hour from Savannah right now. (this treo 300 comes in handy)

  • Movies & Pix: Australia, Dan, Weekend

    I’ve loaded some movies – you’ll need to have QuickTime installed on your computer to view them. First off, some movies from Australia, recently re-discovered (I had feared they had been lost): What the “Crosswalk” Sounds Like on a Downtown Sydney Street Circular Quay (Sydney) Street Performer Plays Guitar The Brisbane Town Hall, With Actual…

  • Back home!

    I made it back to Red Bank, Tennessee, after only 30 hours of travel on Friday. I slept most of the weekend to recuperate, and Monday I go back to work. I’m hoping to have more Australia pictures on here within the next few days!

  • Pix and Brisbane

    I’ve uploaded a sampling of pictures of our trip so far – just a fraction of what I’ve taken to date. Beautiful weather here in Brisbane. Tomorrow (Thursday) is our last full day in Australia before we head home on Friday.

  • Touring Queensland

    We’re here in Brisbane. What a nice city! Spent the day touring Queensland today, including seeing Steve Irwin manhandle crocs in person. Here’s a link to some pics King has posted so far. More info later (we’re standing on a street corner in downtown Brisbane right now with our PowerBooks leeching off someone’s wireless Internet…