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The Rockies were magnificent, as expected. After watching the mountains glide by the window, I dozed and then – voila! – time for dinner. Pasta primavera with veggies, bowl of fruit for dessert. My seatmates were a couple from San Francisco, headed home after Christmas in Nebraska. They’d just upgraded to a sleeper compartment from riding coach, and were still in the adjustment period for finding it much more bearable. Nice talking with them.
By the end of dinner the train had reached Grand Junction (named for the nearby Grand River which was changed by legislative fiat to the Colorado River, etc. etc.) and as I weaved my way back to my roomette, we pulled out from Grand Junction. We’re still about four hours behind schedule. Added bonus: a steward told us that the Sierra Nevadas were being hit hard by snowstorms and currently had 9 feet of snow. Nine feet. We go through the Sierras tomorrow.
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