Breakfast on the rails

One scrumptious breakfast later… Perfect pancakes with maple syrup, crisp bacon, orange juice. My seatmates were an older couple from Buffalo, traveling to visit their daughter in Berkeley, and an older man from Chicago. Nice talking with them; they’ve taken this train 4-5 times (she suffers from an inner ear problem that prevents flying — what with my recent pain from my flight I can sympathize).

Afterwards I walked to the last car, snapped a picture out of the last window on the end of the train, and walked back. Ok, here’s the consist as I know it so far (“consist” is railroad talk for “whatcha got in yer train”): Engine, Engine, Baggage Car, Crew Car, Sleeper 532 (my car), Sleeper 531, Dining Car, Lounge Car, Coach Car, Coach Car, Coach Car. The coach seats do look comfortable, but I admit I’m spoiled by having my own compartment (and electrical outlet). The coach cars seem 60-70% full, but I didn’t go downstairs. I suppose we’re still 3 hours or so from Denver.

(If you’ve been checking for updates — thanks for that — please know that out here in Nebraska/Colorado it’s pretty empty, and cell phone coverage – and therefore internet access – seems few and far between. Surely by Denver I can upload these last 5 entries…)


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