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my personal blog
Defragmenting my life
There’s nothing like a Monday to get me thinking about the future… thinking about assembling more pieces in this jigsaw…
(Poetry) Regular Thing
It’s like a regular thing when I tell myself that I have a short attention span — But a bridge…
(Poetry) Returning Home
Coming around the hill, on the Interstate at the Ridgecut, the city sweeps into view: the trees on the roadside…
(Poetry) Speaking Up
Is this some lingering embarrassment we hide from ourselves? “Without truth, there is no hope.” I mean to say —…
(Poetry) Mindset and Match
Icy rain hits the windows of his apartment as I smile and nod, as I sit on a cast-off armchair…
(Poetry) On Selling Air
I’m not the only one Who sees the truth Beneath the skin Of our stated promises and ideals. Perhaps: my…
(Poetry) Ninety-Six Ice
Beginning on a Thursday night The rain became sleet, became ice — Later falling as snow.On Friday there was A…
(Poetry) An Hourly Rate
Trying to look forward Into my uncertain future, What I am feeling Is more or less A sense of gain…
Me at Switcher
King took this action-pose photo of me directing in the production booth at WTCI-TV 45. I’m using a Grass Valley…
Private Ice Age
Once again, I’m close to a dilemma. The icebox in my refrigerator is rapidly narrowing and soon–very soon–I will have…
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