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Category: ponder
Circular Reasoning
The bloggers mentioned in the story, who presumably are able to articulate their own opinions, received Wal*Mart email and began to simply copy the PR text into the blogs. Wait, I don’t understand. This is news? I thought it was common knowledge that a large portion of bloggers (the majority?) simply copy text from elsewhere…
Current Linking Favorites
I can’t help but find people to be fascinating. It’s that rascally human side of me, I reckon. So, naturally, I have a wonderful time getting brief glimpses into other lives and situations, thanks to the ever-so-prevalent world of blogs. A couple more that have recently caught my eye (in addition to the fun Waiter’s…
Every day
It’s not easy to come up with something to write about every day, is it? Part of it, I realize, is finding my “voice” for what I want to say, and I imagine I’ll wander in range of that Voice eventually. I like the idea of putting the day’s events in some kind of context,…
Surprisingly good
There have been a surprising number of potentially interesting shows on television recently. Some of them won’t pan out. Many of them won’t achieve the celebrity status of getting a Season Pass on my TiVo. And yet, I like being surprised by something that turns out to be good. Though a newcomer to “Lost” on…
Just clap your hands
Beck sez, That’s where it’s at … Two turntables and a microphone … These are exciting times. I am mixing together a baker’s dozen of idealistic principles to create a more nutritious blend of who I am and who I wish to be. You have heard how that phrase “baker’s dozen” came in vogue, haven’t…
One model for distribution
I joined a discussion on a mailing list today about the usefulness/likelihood/profitability of making documentaries (on the International Media Users Group IMUG list). Here’s what I had to say: Would you hit the jackpot on sending your first program out and then getting $2000 per station x 300 stations? About as likely as winning the…
The Dynamic Figure
In looking through a stack of papers on my desk, I found this marvelous self-description — not written by me or about me, but it was sent to me (from Gwen) back in ’97: “This is an actual essay written by a college applicant to NYU. The author was accepted and is now attending NYU.…
Stillness, peace, and hope
Ah, Monday. Almost December, but you knew that. No sculpture class this upcoming month (I’ll post pix of my sculpted works here after they’ve been fired and scanned); no tap lessons, either (just wait ’til next year). But I am practicing to sing in Vivaldi’s Gloria with the Church of the Good Shepherd choir (up…
Being or not too being
I have to say that I highly recommend “Being John Malkovich.” I found it surprising, funny, twisted. Can’t wait to see how the Saturday morning cartoon version turns out.
From Sterling To Signal View
I’ve been in my new apartment almost one complete month. In case you haven’t heard, I finally moved from my tiny, 200-square-foot efficiency in Riverview to a modern apartment off Mountain Creek Road. It only took some seven years for that transition, but it was worth it. If you ever had the opportunity to visit…
Naming the dead, without dread
It was more a firing line than a Vietnam skirmish. Assembled in a fairly straight line of chairs placed side by side, the seven of us sat facing an actual live audience — awaiting their reaction while trying not to anticipate it. I spent last Friday and Saturday night engaged in this ritual. Our goal…
Defragmenting my life
There’s nothing like a Monday to get me thinking about the future… thinking about assembling more pieces in this jigsaw puzzle of a life… thinking about what’s ahead of me this week and what’ve I left behind me after the last seven days. I suppose I wandered into this train of thought earlier today, waiting…