Category: spiralfugue

  • Tempus Fugit

    I have compressed the entire SPIRAL FUGUE documentary to QuickTime and uploaded it here on my website for your enjoyment and education. I enjoyed the process of making this piece as well as the product that is the result, and I appreciate the cooperation of the featured musicians.

  • Good news, uncertain news

    The good news: I finished shooting and editing the documentary, now titled “Spiral Fugue.” The other news: I’m leaving Creative Resources to go work at Atomic Films in Chattanooga, doing video editing and post-production. I don’t know at this time what that means for the future and/or usage of this hour-long documentary. Hopefully, time will tell!

  • More music interviews & shoots

    This week I’ll be interviewing Bob Bernhardt (conductor); visiting a Shaking Ray Levi Society music event; and either getting some African Rock or some Mountain Opry perspectives.

  • Musing on music

    Sure, music’s a lot of fun. And the convergence of computers with music has certainly been interesting so far. Take MP3s, for example. I thought the connection with Suzanne Vega was fascinating (thanks to King for the forward – link broken now, but discussed the influence of Suzanne Vega on the actual coding of the MP3 standard). Ok,…

  • Music documentary?

    I’m putting together a documentary on the diversity of music, using a nonlinear narrative style (look at it this way: instead of being told like a story, in a straight line, this look at music unfolds like a spiral staircase). It will probably be somewhat similar to the “Noteworthy” mini-series I created back in 1990-1991.…