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Weekend Pix (7/11/04)

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Not as crowded as it was during Riverbend, but certainly very hot.
Some mixed-use construction is occurring around the Smokestack (retail/condos)
Flowers in a stone-block niche outside Aquarium
Grates on sidewalk outside Aquarium
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I encounter Colleen Laliberte on the Aquarium Plaza
Jerry Bowman and his wife (Colleen's daughter) Jessica.
I find Dan Landrum entertaining the many tourists.
People are either stunned by the music, stunned by the wait to enter the Aquarium, or just stunned by the heat.
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Colleen's mom & Colleen.
Large-leafed tree, seen on a hike on Signal Mountain.
Nice rock holes; wonder who lives there?
Detail of large boulder
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Down at the bottom of the trail, the creek and its many rocks and boulders.
It's late afternoon, and the sun shines golden rays on the green trees and underbrush.
The Big Silver Hammers (or whatever their real name is) outside the Theatre Centre on the North Shore.
Detail of Big Hammers surface
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Dan and Angie (say it together: DAngie) are here to meet Sir Kenneth Pritchard for a bout of kayaking.
It's a pretty day, and very hot.
Across the river, construction of the expansion of Hunter Museum.
Kenny arrives, after a long nap.

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