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Assorted Pix, July-August 2005

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This is a photo taken as part of the new Chattanooga tourism campaign (I was an extra, forced to sit on a bench and have a nice chat with Amanda). I suspect this won't be on magazine ads.
Nightfall, Miller Plaza, downtown Chattanooga. This was the opening act, including Kofi Mawuko on drums
The happy Shannon and happy Wally, and behind them, Brian Green prays over his beer
The headliner tonight is Ladysmith Black Mombazo
Kofi and friends after the show
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Kofi, Lafrederick, and friends
Kofi, Lafrederick, Paul Moss, and friends
Bernie on his birthday, and Katie 2 days before hers
Philip, 1 day before his birthday, and Martha, a few weeks away from her birthday
A birthday dinner for me at Southside Grille, with Katie Sellman and my mother Orma Luckey. Note cameo of brother Scott, niece Abby, and in the foreground, Abby and her mom Ann
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Looking at building details while walking to Nightfall. May be from the Volunteer Building.
Jennifer mans a beer ticket booth; we used to sell beer tickets together years ago
Carla and Adelle and Kenny. Kenny may in fact be sitting down. Seems like he's a little taller than that.
The grungy communal water at Nightfall
Carla and Cameron
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Someone takes my picture!
Kenny and John Rawlston, perhaps engaged in a little Barbershop Harmony?
It lurks... beneath the surface...
Dan enjoys his Endless indoor pool. The pool gets up to 90 miles an hour.
Scott and Mom and Ann
Scott and Mom and Me (Philip)

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